The way is the destination.                              

Aug 16, 2024 .

The way is the destination.                              

Bhagavad Gita

Supriyo Singh, Advocate.

Partner and Co-founder at PS2 Legal, Advocates. High Court at Calcutta.

As a first-generation lawyer, we face multiple challenges to have our foot through the door. The process of practice for a first-generation lawyer is not only gruelling but is also a task to keep the mental sanity in place.

Looking at the titans of the industry in all their glory and glamour, one might get the idea of colossal dogmatic success. Luxury cars, opulent parties, state-of-the-art gadgets, branded shoes, and luxury pens are just a few of their everyday happenings.

The success stories of such lawyers are truly inspiring and dazzling, and one who steps foot onto the holy premises of the temple of justice is surely to draw inspiration from such esteemed advocates. Success, however, means different things to different people.

While a section of lawyers come from generations of lawyers, others are just from poor families who are trying to make a basic living. While one is blessed with generational wealth, the other struggles to buy a shoe that’s worn out from excess use. While one section of lawyers is struggling to make Rs. 500 a month, others in the industry are blessed with the ability to buy pens worth lakhs. Such are the drastic differences between the same group of people, Lawyers.

However, one never stops dreaming of aiming to be at the top, the place where one is recognised, revered, celebrated, and even respected. Respect, however, never comes for free. Respect is always earned, and most of the lawyers have a longing for respect, to be seen and heard.

A “good job” from a senior, or “very good drafting” from a client is all it takes for a junior first-generation lawyer to light up his/her day.

Being a first-generation lawyer, trying to make it takes a lot of sacrifices; the question, however, remains as to how one can withstand all this.

I am a first-generation lawyer myself; the thing that kept me going was a book, read by many and revered by most, “The Bhagavad Gita”. It is a book that I would recommend to all trying to remain sane in a journey of relentless struggle and hustle, disappointments and frustration.

There are valuable things that I have learned from this book that I would take the liberty to share with everyone who is reading this.

1. Attachment is the cause of all misery.

2. You only have the right to work, not to the fruits thereof. Let your attachment be towards your duty of work, neither to the fruits thereof and nor towards inaction.

3. A man is only as much as he thinks.

4. A man is his best friend and his only enemy.

5. Lust, anger, and greed are the path to destruction.

6. The modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance.

7. Everything is temporary. Attachment is futile.

The book teaches us that one can achieve it all only if one releases himself from the clutches of attachment to the result, which is a clear indication of being in the present moment, doing our duty towards our career and life, and not worrying about the future that has not even arrived yet. When one is free of worry, one is truly at peace, despite the circumstances.


Everything that we have is temporary; what is now will not be in the future and what was in the past has changed into the now. Thus, being attached to anything material, that is money, wealth, people, position, and possessions, is sure to bring us misery. It is also a clear way of knowing that even our emotions and situations are temporary. Do not attach and identify yourself with a bad condition, for it will change and good times will come. Do not lose your mind during happy times and commit to things that you would not do with a clear mind, since the situation could change any moment.


While this may raise a lot of eyebrows, let us truly understand the nature of work and reward. The only thing that ever is truly in our control are our thoughts and actions. No matter how hard we have ever tried since childhood, results have never been in our hands. Whether to get good grades, excel at a sport, or win someone’s heart, all we have ever been truly in control of was our own thoughts and actions, our discharge of our duties. Thus, this is only a reminder that one should be steadfast in discharging their duties and move from one duty to another religiously, thinking about the results never truly having any impact on the results as they are never in our hands.


Not only in this book, but we hear this from everyone who has ever tried to mentor us. To think that we are enough, to think that we are the best, and to always think positive. The same quote has also been affirmed and transcribed into an entire book by author “Rhonda Bryne” in her book “The Secret”. Evidence of this quote stretches over all of history.


Something that is not stressed enough in our lives is that we are our own best friend and we are our only enemy. This is based on the principle of what we think and what action we take. We can choose to spend our weekends with alcohol and intoxication, or we can spend our weekends educating ourselves. Such is with every little aspect of our life, and thus this is a reminder to make the right choices in the right frame of mind, not being moved by temporary distractions and instant gratification. Nothing in this world can affect us if we don’t let it.


Lust may come in any form, be it lust for physical release or lust for a particular administrative position. Anger is self-explanatory; we all know that we are capable of the harmful impossible when anger consumes us. Greed for more is also a path that leads to the surest of destruction. Lust, Greed, and Anger are the three emotions that make us fall out of our mind and take over the entire mind, thoughts, and actions. We thus are not in control when the mind is overcome by these three emotions. All three take away the power of rational thinking, the only thing that we are truly capable of controlling, which is the mind. Thus, one can be sure to walk into destruction when one is not in control of his own mind and thoughts.


While one may be completely unaware of this, there are actually three modes in which every human being operates. They are Goodness, Passion, and Ignorance.

Goodness: When one does something, absolutely with the sense of duty and the fact that such needs to be done. When operating with goodness, one may not like the process of doing the said deed, but later, the results are truly rewarding. Example: Exercise, clean eating, consistency at work, cleanliness at home, completion of tasks, etc.

Passion: When one does something with a passionate mind, moved by emotion, the person is devoid of control of his senses, thus enjoying the deed while doing it but later facing the aftereffects caused by such a deed. Example: Intoxication, making a promise when happy, unhealthy foods that taste good, inconsistency at work, etc.

Ignorance: When one is completely ignorant of the reason for doing the work and the motive for the same. One is neither enjoying the process while doing the work nor the aftereffects of the same. Example: Continuing at a toxic workplace, continuing to eat foods that are harmful to health, committing illegal acts, etc.


Human desires are unending and thus the satisfaction that comes with achievements are only temporary. One can never truly be happy with achievements for a lifetime. Thus, the only way to have a happier present, is to truly not be attached to any position, thing or person in this life. What we own, ends up owning us. We can own a new phone and then the new phone shall own our attention and worry, of scratches, of damage, of theft. What we own, ends up owning our mind.

Attachment is the cause of misery and the same has been proven countless times not only over history, but also in our own lives as well. One should move with the sense of duty and never attach himself to anything that is material in this world.

True happiness is through detachment. When we own nothing, nothing can own us. When nothing owns us, we are truly free.

These were just a few lessons that have helped me maintain my peace and still give it my all towards a better future. I hope, these lessons are also helpful to whoever reads this article.

I hope, these lessons are also helpful to whoever reads this article.

I hope that his brings peace to the struggling class and rids them of worry and frustration knowing that life will change and there will always be ups and downs but one can always face their challenges with faith and a clear mind.

The true essence of life is in being in the present, to know one’s own self and to face the challenges with calmness. Life is a gift given by God and one should always make the endeavour to cherish each moment that we breathe. Every breath is a gift, they say. Life is as simple as we make it. When looking back, one realises that years have passed away in a heartbeat and we can never get back the time to do things differently as we look at them.

The present is all we have and it’s best to live in it, no amount of worry can change the future and no amount of regret can change the past, all we have is now, so make the most of it. Life is a gift to be enjoyed.

Thank you.

-Supriyo Singh, Advocate.

Partner and Co-founder at PS2 Legal, Advocates. High Court at Calcutta.

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